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SMS Banking

Belize Bank SMS Banking is Belize Bank’s text/SMS-based banking service that allows you to access your Belize Bank account information. If you can send and receive a text message on your phone and have a Belize Bank account, then you can use this easy and convenient service.

With Belize Bank Mobile Banking you can receive account notifications (alerts) for:

  • Deposit above a particular threshold
  • Debit transaction above a particular threshold
  • Available balance goes below a particular threshold
  • Credit card transaction above a particular threshold
  • Credit card balance is below a particular threshold
  • Credit card payment is due
  • Check your Account Balance (Mini Statement included)

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Short Codes 

[vc_empty_space height=”12px”]Use these codes to initiate transactions using Belize Bank SMS Banking. Simply place the short code in a text message and send to BBLM (2256)

  • BAL – Text BAL (Account Alias) to receive your account balance and mini-statement with your last two transactions. Example: BAL Savings
  • HELP – Text HELP to get a complete list of available short codes. Example: HELP
  • HELP – Text HELP (Short code) to receive instructions on how to use the short code requested. Example: HELP BAL will provide instructions on using the BAL short code.
    *Short codes are not case sensitive.


Signing up for Belize Bank Mobile is easy and FREE!

 If you already bank with us and have an Online Banking Account,

follow instructions below to Sign Up


1) Click Button below[vc_btn title=”Login to the Online Banking Portal here” style=”custom” custom_background=”#3178bf” custom_text=”#ffffff” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]2) Navigate to the Menu bar (on the left hand side) and select Mobile Channel then Mobile Channel option

3) Toggle the Mobile Channel slider to ON to enable SMS and Mobile Channel options

4) Type the Alias you wish to set for each account number

5) Select Confirm changes to save changes

Ensure that your email address and phone number is included on your online banking account. Navigate to the Menu bar. Select Settings then Change Email to verify your email address, and select Mobile Channel then Change Alert Phone to verify your phone number.[vc_empty_space height=”30px”]

To setup ALERTS, simply:

[vc_empty_space height=”12px”]1) Select Mobile Channel tab on the Menu bar then click on Alert Subscription

2) Select the account for which you wish to view or edit alerts

3) Select Unsubscribe to remove the alert from the list of existing alerts

4) Select Add subscription to add an alert not listed. In the dialog box you can:

  • Select the alert you wish to subscribe to
  • Enter additional details such as threshold if applicable

5) Select Subscribe[vc_empty_space height=”30px”]You are now ready to start using the Belize Bank’s SMS Banking service!

Not an Online Banking customer?[vc_btn title=”Self Enroll today!” style=”custom” custom_background=”#4fb248″ custom_text=”#ffffff” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]It’s a fast, easy, and secure way to manage your money!