The Classic VISA Credit Card provides you with convenience and value. With these cards you can buy just about anything, anywhere in the world. Applying is easy, and approval is done at the branch where you applied. Even better, the cards are printed in our Card Service Center in Belize City, and you can have your card in your hand within a week. This card carries a US dollar line of credit.[vc_empty_space height=”10px”]
- Worldwide acceptance– Because VISA is one of the most widely recognized card companies in the world, they can be used at millions of locations worldwide.
- Instant cash with your card– You can obtain cash locally or internationally with your VISA card from any Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) displaying the ‘VISA’, or ‘Plus’ logos.
- Replacement of lost or stolen cards– If your card is lost or stolen, simply call +501-227-5033 and we will replace the card within 3-5 days business days from the date your report was taken from any of our branches. If you happen to be in the United States, a card can be replaced within 48 hours if you call the following 24-hour service number: 877-973-5322.
- Flexible Payment Options– You have the option of paying the entire balance within 20 business days of the statement date, or paying in installments. If the latter is chosen, a minimum of 5% of the outstanding balance or US$25.00, whichever is greater, must be paid on or before the due date. Payments can be made online or at any of our branches.
- Price Protection– If the item is paid with a card and within 30 days of the date purchased, and you see either a printed ad or non-auction internet ad for the same product by the same manufacturer in the same market for a lower price, Visa will refund the difference up to the benefit amount per item and (per account for a 12 month period).
- Competitive Interest rates– If the entire outstanding balance is paid by the due date, no interest will be charged. If partial payments are made, an interest charge will be levied per month on the average daily balance. Our interest rates are competitive with those on the local market.
- Variable Credit Limits– The minimum credit limit is US$500.00 and higher limits can be given in multiples of US$500.00.
[vc_empty_space][vc_btn title=”Apply for a Classic Visa Credit Card” style=”custom” custom_background=”#3178bf” custom_text=”#ffffff” link=”url:%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F03%2FCredit-Card-International-Application.pdf||target:%20_blank|”]