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Local Visa Card

Using your VISA Local Credit Card is fast, easy, and convenient. The Belize Bank Local VISA Credit Card is like a loan granted to you, but unlike other consumer loans you can fluctuate within your limit as you meet your installments and continue to make new purchases. You don’t need to come into the bank for refinancing, and you no longer need to carry cash! When you’re card is approved you’ll be given a credit limit to use at your discretion and when you receive your statement, you will have the option of paying in full or in installments.[vc_empty_space height=”10px”]

  • Countrywide acceptance – Since the card is affiliated with VISA, it can be used anywhere in Belize where VISA cards are accepted.


  • Instant cash with your card– You can obtain cash with your card from any bank or ATM in Belize displaying the VISA logo.


  • Replacement of lost or stolen cards– If your card is lost or stolen, we will replace it within 3-5 days business days from the date your report was taken from any of our branches. To report a lost or stolen card call: +501-227-5033 or +1-877-973-5322.

  • Flexible Payment Options – You have the option of paying the entire balance within 20 business days of the statement date, or paying in installments. If the latter is chosen, a minimum of 5% of the outstanding balance or BZ$25.00, whichever is greater, must be paid on or before the due date. Payments can be made online or at any of our branches countrywide.


  • Competitive Interest rates – If the entire outstanding balance is paid by the due date, no interest will be charged. If partial payments are made, an interest charge will be levied per month on the average daily balance. Our interest rates are competitive with those on the local market.


  • Variable Credit Limits – The minimum credit limit is BZ$500.00 and higher limits can be given in multiples of BZ$500.00.

[vc_empty_space][vc_btn title=”Apply for a Local Visa Credit Card” style=”custom” custom_background=”#3178bf” custom_text=”#ffffff” link=”url:%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F03%2FVisa-Local-Credit-Card-Application.pdf||target:%20_blank|”]