The Belize Bank VISA Gold Card, with its enhanced benefits is a prestigious card offering higher spending limits and enhanced benefits for both the personal and corporate client. You can easily monitor expenses and control credit limits according to your individual need. The minimum limit on the VISA Gold Card is US$5000.00.[vc_empty_space height=”10px”]
- Worldwide acceptance – VISA is one of the most recognized credit card companies and has the largest number of merchants worldwide compared to any other credit card company.
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- VISA Gold Assistance Center (VAC)– The VISA Gold Card offers an array of emergency Travel Assistance Services for your convenience and security. The VAC is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A toll free or direct call puts you in direct contact with the VAC.
Some of the other services include:
- Pre-travel assistance
- Emergency card replacement & emergency cash
- Emergency medical assistance
- Legal referral assistance
- Emergency ticket replacement
- Lost luggage assistance
- Emergency message service
- Emergency transportation service
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In the event that your card is lost or stolen, simply call +501-227-5033 or the VAC toll free at 1-800-847-2911 when in the USA or Canada or collect at 410-581-9754 when traveling anywhere else in the world. The VAC will immediately cancel the lost card and arrange for a new card to be delivered to you in one or two days, depending on your location.
- Free VISA Auto Rental Insurance – When you rent a car in the US or Canada with your VISA Gold Card, you can obtain Auto Rental Insurance automatically, at no extra cost. You must initiate the transaction and pay the complete cost of the auto rental with your VISA Gold Card and decline the insurance (Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)/ Loss Damage Waiver (LDW)) offered by the auto company to qualify. See Visa Auto Rental Insurance Brochure for more details.
- Instant cash with your card – You can obtain cash locally or internationally with your VISA card from any Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) displaying the VISA or Plus logos. The VISA Assistance Center (VAC) can arrange for emergency cash advances if requested, when your card is lost or stolen. Upon the request of your company this service can be restricted.
- Flexible Payment Options – A statement will be mailed to you monthly, and you have the option of paying the entire balance within 20 business days of the statement date, or paying in installments. If the latter is chosen, a minimum of 5% of the outstanding balance or US$25.00, whichever is greater, must be paid on or before the due date. Payments can be made online or at any of our branches.
- Competitive Interest rates – If the entire outstanding balance is paid by the due date, no interest will be charged. If partial payments are made, an interest charge will be levied per month on the average daily balance. Our interest rates are competitive with those on the local market.
*Additional benefits you can enjoy are:
* Price Protection Up to USD $400 per account, per year
* Purchase Protection Up to USD $1,000 per account, per year
* Extended Warranty Up to USD $5,000 per account, per year
See Visa Gold Benefits for more details.[vc_empty_space height=”22px”]
[vc_btn title=”Apply for a Visa Gold Credit Card” style=”custom” custom_background=”#3178bf” custom_text=”#ffffff” link=”url:%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F03%2FVisa-Gold-Card-Application.pdf||target:%20_blank|”]